SHIPPING TO STANIEL CAY New Customers Only All customers must register with Click 2 Clear before completing this form. Step 1 of 2 50% Name Exactly as it appears on Click2Clear registration:(Required)In order for your unaccompanied parcel to be shipped to Staniel Cay, you must register with Click2Clear. We are unable to ship anything for you without this registration. First Last Click 2 Clear Account Number(Required)Phone:(Required)Email:(Required) Description of item(s) you are shipping:(Required)Please upload a copy of the receipt or invoice for items you are shipping.(Required)Receipt must include total monetary value (inclusive of any tax & shipping) of item(s). We cannot ship anything without a receipt or invoice from the supplier. No exceptions. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 128 MB. Please upload a copy of your Cruising Permit (if applicable).If a cruising permit is not provided at the time this form is submitted, you are acknowledging that you do not have a cruising permit. You are responsible for payment of all duties, levies, and required broker fees. Cruising permits CANNOT be submitted after the package has already shipped. IMPORTANT: Cruising permit name MUST MATCH the Click2Clear name registration exactly. If it does not match exactly, you will be responsible for full duties.Max. file size: 128 MB. Please Download and Complete the C-44 Form C-44 Required Form for Makers Air ShipmentPlease upload the C-44 Form(Required) C-44 is a Required Form for a Makers Air Shipment. Max. file size: 128 MB.Please upload a copy of either your drivers license or passport.(Required)This is required by the Broker to submit to Bahamas customs. Max. file size: 128 MB.Please Download and Complete the Makers Air Credit Card Authorization Form Makers Air Credit Card Authorization FormCredit Card(Required)Please upload your payment information by completing the credit card authorization form.Max. file size: 128 MB. Please read and review our Makers Air Shipping Terms and Conditions prior to completing the below question. 1. Makers Air Contract With You: These terms and conditions, are all the terms of the contract between you (the sender of the shipment) and us. When you tender a shipment to us, you accept our terms for you, and for anyone else who has a legal interest in the shipment. Our terms and conditions also protect anyone with whom we may contract to collect, transport, or deliver your shipment. 2. What “Shipment” Means: A shipment means all allowable contents that travel under one Air Waybill (Shipping Label), not just any single document or item included in a shipment. You certify that the shipment details are complete and accurate. 3. Your Obligations: You warrant that each article in the shipment is properly described on this Air Waybill (Shipping Label) and any accompanying documents, acceptable for transport by us, and properly marked, addressed, and packed to ensure safe transportation with ordinary care in handling. You are responsible for all charges, including postage, and possible surcharges, Customs and duties assessments including fees related to our prepayment of the same, governmental penalties and fines, taxes, and our attorney fees and legal costs, related to this shipment. 4. Prohibited Contents: We do not accept as a shipment anything that is considered a restricted article or hazardous material as defined by the Department of Transportation (DOT), or dangerous goods as defined by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) or the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), or certain other items listed in the Service Guide or International Mail Manual (IMM), such as cash or cash equivalents. If an item is considered hazardous material, we can have these items packaged and labeled for you at an additional cost. 5. Customs: You are responsible for and warrant your compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including but not limited to Customs laws; import, export, and re-export laws; and governmental regulations of any country to, from, though, or over which your shipment may be carried. You agree to furnish such information and complete and attach to this Air Waybill (Shipping Label) such documents as are necessary to comply with such laws, rules, and regulations. We assume no liability to you or any other person for any losses or expenses due to your failure to comply with this provision. 6. Authorization to ship: We are not a storage company and do not require a customer’s authorization to prepare items for shipment. Each customer will be assigned a bin for their packages. Packages are prepared for shipment at our discretion based upon whichever occurs first: the customer’s bin reaches max capacity OR they request items for shipment. Once an invoice has been created and emailed to the customer for payment, we will not alter to add or combine other deliveries to the invoice. 7. Late Fees: Any items that are in our hanger after 30 days due to failure to pay applicable shipping costs or incomplete information will be subject to a $5/day late fee. After 90 days if lack of payment and/or information still prevents shipment we reserve the right to discard such parcels. It is the responsibility of the customer to provide timely, accurate and complete information so that packages can be shipped expeditiously. 8. Payment: All shipping invoices must be paid in full prior to shipment – no exceptions. 9. Loss or Damage: We are a freight forwarding company, we are not responsible for any lost or damaged items. We do not inspect items for damage or see if they are complete upon receipt at our hangar. 10. Delayed Shipments: We will make our best effort to deliver your shipment according to our regular delivery schedules. We cannot guarantee any specific date for delivery unless you select the Guaranteed Cargo Delivery option. 11. Right to Inspect: We have the right to open and inspect all packages before shipment 12. Correct Labels: It is extremely important to note that your name on your Click2Clear account must exactly match the name on your packages delivered to Makers Air. If this name is different from your previous shipments with us, it is vital that you update your Makers Air account with the valid name as soon as possible in order to avoid any delays or fines attached to your shipments. 13. Tracking numbers: Customer is solely responsible to be aware of what their tracking numbers are when inquiring about packages. Without a tracking number, we will not be able to assist you with locating the package in our system.Acknowledgement(Required)By checking the above acknowledgement box and submitting this form, I acknowledge that all information supplied is true and correct. I also acknowledge that I am responsible for payment of all duties, levies, and required broker fees. I acknowledge the belowCAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.